Port scanning
The Network Mapper - Free Security Scanner Nmap
Common options
Port ranges (default: most common 1000 ports), -p- all ports (1-65536)
Version scanning, enforces full TCP connection
Script scanning
OS detection
Aggressive scan options, combines: -O, -sV, -sC, --traceroute
Set timing template (higher is faster), aka paranoid|sneaky|polite|normal|aggressive|insane (default: 3, aka normal)
Basename (Output to all formats)
UDP scan
Skip host discovery, use this option if the host is blocking ping probes.
Increase verbosity
Debug, even more verbose
set to 1 or 0 to considerably speed up scan (but gets a bit less accurate)
Note: There are a ton of other options, like more exotic scan types, spoofing IP or MAC addresses, etc.
Note: Nmap can only perform TCP SYN scans (-sS
), when running as privileged user (root or sudoer), otherwise it falls back to full TCP 3-way handshakes (-sT
) per default.
Light scan
Default scan
Heavy scan
Scan for "safe" vulns
Scan for SMB vulns
Useful stuff
Get open ports comma separated
Nmap scripts
banner plus
Quicker scanning and smarter identification
GitHub - scan-tools/banner-plus.nse
NSE script based on Vulners.com API
GitHub - vulnersCom/nmap-vulners
A script that you can run in the background!
netcat (nc)
TCP/IP swiss army knife
The GNU Netcat -- Official homepage
Connect scan (only validates if ports are open)
No response means port is open, otherwise a ICMP packet port unreachable
is sent back.
BUT: Response may get dropped (firewalls, routers, ...) -> false positive
Port knocking
In computer networking, port knocking is a method of externally opening ports on a firewall by generating a connection attempt on a set of prespecified closed ports.
-- Wikipedia
Actually knock to a port
Simple bash port scanner
Last updated